University of Minnesota’s Dr. Carol Cardona has been a tremendous blessing to the gamebird industry. A professor in veterinary and biomedical sciences, Cardona specializes in influenza and biosecurity. For a decade, she has been the chief advisor to the gamebird industry on these issues.
As planning began for the 2025 NAGA Convention, agenda planners figured to give attendees a break from the near continuous coverage of High Pathogenic Avian Influenza. Unfortunately, the disease had other ideas in mind, jumping into cattle and most recently into humans. The latest developments convinced the NAGA that an expert needed to be on hand in Laughlin, Nevada, during the Annual Convention February 3-5 at the Aquarius Hotel and Casino. And no one has more experience or credulity than Dr. Cardona, who was the NAGA Person of the Year in 2023.
“Carol is more than just an intellectual in this field,” explained NAGA President Mike Martz. “She really cares and gets involved in helping gamebird businesses find solutions to their disease issues. She is incredibly trusted because she has demonstrated both a practical and academic expertise that has helped many of us in this industry.”
NAGA members have heard a lot about HPAI over the last three years. But the disease continues to change and presents new challenges. The industry in turn needs to be proactive and Dr. Cardona has been a leading player in ensuring this happens.
Cardona is just one of the top line presenters attendees will hear from in Laughlin. Registration and hotel information can be found at