The old cliché goes, “those who fail to plan, plan to fail.” Like most cliches, this is a worn out saying because it’s true. Calamities and unforeseen events occur, and those who put in the extra work to plan for the unexpected generally come out better than those who haven’t given these events much thought.
2024, and now 2025, have seen disasters take center stage. Hurricanes, tornadoes, snow and ice storms, flooding and more have seemed like the norm over the last six months. While no one can predict weather, events like these force businesses to consider their insurance protection. For weather events, disease events, workplace and hunting accidents and more. Are you prepared?
The Wednesday morning session of the convention, sponsored by MacFarlane Pheasants Inc, features Steven Davis of Assured Partners who will present on this very topic, “What You Need to Know When Reviewing Your Insurance Policies.”
Sometimes being prepared doesn’t prevent bad things from happening. But it can help a business emerge from a challenge undamaged by the media and public scrutiny that can come with bad events. What do you say after a bird die off? Or an avian flu outbreak? Or an accidental shooting? Or a mass bird escape after collapsed pens?
Knowing what to say, how to say it, and when to talk are essential elements of crisis management. The NAGA is fortunate to have a long-time partner in the Animal Ag Alliance which helps protect the agricultural industry against the animal rights lobby. As part of their work, the Alliance has perfected media and public relations strategies that mitigate bad outcomes.
The morning session will continue with Emily Ellis, Animal Ag Alliance’s Director of Communications and Content, “Public Relations: Making the Best Out of Bad Situations.”
These presentations are just part of the jam-packed, meaty agenda that will be featured at the NAGA Convention. You can still get registered and get hotel reservations, along with the full agenda of the convention at on the “2025 NAGA Convention” tab.